Proper Doodle Coat Care: Tips from a Breeder

Proper Doodle Coat Care: Tips from a Breeder

As a dedicated Doodle breeder, we have come to appreciate the unique and beautiful coats of these beloved dogs. Whether you have a Labradoodle, Goldendoodle, or any other Doodle mix, their coats require specific care to stay healthy, clean, and tangle-free. Here, we will share our firsthand knowledge and tips to help you keep your Doodle’s coat in top condition. If you are looking for information on proper doodle coat care, consider reading this blog.

Understanding the Doodle Coat

Doodles typically have one of three coat types: straight, wavy, or curly. Each type has its own grooming needs. Straight coats are the easiest to manage, while curly coats demand the most attention due to their tendency to mat. Wavy coats fall somewhere in between. Regardless of the type, regular grooming is essential to prevent matting and keep your Doodle looking and feeling great.

Daily Brushing

Daily brushing is crucial for Doodles, especially those with wavy or curly coats. We recommend using a slicker brush and a metal comb. Start by using the slicker brush to remove loose hair and detangle any knots. Then, follow up with the metal comb to ensure you’ve reached down to the skin. This routine not only keeps the coat free of tangles but also distributes natural oils, promoting a healthy shine.


Bathing your Doodle every four to six weeks is generally sufficient, but this can vary depending on your dog’s lifestyle. Use a high-quality dog shampoo that’s gentle on the skin. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to avoid any residue, which can cause irritation. After bathing, it’s important to dry your Doodle completely. We prefer using a high-velocity dryer, which helps to blow out loose fur and prevent mats from forming.

Professional Grooming

While regular at-home grooming is vital, professional grooming is also essential. We recommend taking your Doodle to a professional groomer every six to eight weeks. A groomer can provide a thorough coat trim, particularly in tricky areas like around the eyes, ears, and paws. Professional grooming also helps manage the coat length, making at-home care easier.

Dealing with Mats

Despite your best efforts, mats can sometimes form, particularly in areas like behind the ears, under the legs, and around the collar. When you encounter a mat, don’t pull or cut it out abruptly. Instead, try to gently work it out with your fingers, a detangling spray, and a mat splitter if necessary. Regular brushing helps prevent severe matting, but it’s good to check for and address small mats frequently.

Seasonal Considerations

Doodle coats can change with the seasons. In winter, they might grow thicker, while in summer, they can become lighter. Adjust your grooming routine accordingly. In warmer months, keep the coat shorter to help your Doodle stay cool and reduce the risk of overheating. In winter, a slightly longer coat can provide extra warmth, but don’t neglect regular brushing to avoid mats.

Diet and Health

A healthy diet rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can greatly improve the condition of your Doodle’s coat. High-quality dog food and supplements, as recommended by your vet, can help maintain a shiny, healthy coat. Additionally, regular check-ups ensure your Doodle’s skin and coat are in good condition and free from parasites like fleas and ticks.

Final Thoughts

Caring for a Doodle’s coat is a labor of love. With consistent brushing, regular baths, and professional grooming, your Doodle will not only look stunning but also feel comfortable and healthy. As a breeder, we have seen the difference that proper coat care can make. Embrace the grooming process as a bonding time with your furry friend, and you’ll both enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained coat.

Contact us today at Windsong Doodles to learn more about proper doodle coat care. We are ready to provide you with detailed guidance and tips to keep your Doodle's coat healthy and beautiful.


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